Use an Aggregation driver

Aggregation Driver icon

An Aggregation Driver works like a filter for a component and allows filtering by many different measurements, or aggregations, all within the same component. Aggregation driver works only with auto-metrics on metric grids. Auto-metrics are metrics that do not need to be created; they can be calculated automatically on the record.

For example, a metric grid contains a field with passport number and a field with debts. The aggregated field (SUM) shows how much a passport holder has in debts by months (the drill down is set to months). Using an aggregation driver, you can change the aggregation directly from the Viewer and see average debts (AVG) by months.

  1. On the Component toolbar, click the Aggregation driver icon and drag it to the dashboard.
  2. On the Data tab, click Click here to add new data to create a new row.
    Repeat this step for each aggregation you wish to use.
  3. Click the aggregation in each row to open a drop-down menu to change the aggregation type. Click OK.
  4. On the Display subtab, select preferences for displaying the menu on the component.
  5. On the Styles subtab, select the menu styles, and click OK.
  6. Click the Action tab.
    1. Set preferences for the outgoing action and click OK.

      View the final result for the aggregation driver menu. The following example shows an aggregation driver in the form of a menu for the grid.