Advanced reports

Advanced reports are based on records. Use advanced reports to customize page size, header, footer, and the way the report is generated and distributed. Report generation and distribution is driven by specifically designed records.

Each report can be generated in different configurations for different users depending on their individual settings and preferences. All such cases of generating reports are called report instances.

  1. On the Documents Tree, right-click Reports and select New Advanced Report.
  2. Name the report and click OK.

    The Advanced Report Editor appears.

  3. In the Views pane, click Edit view list. Select the Views to add to the report.
  4. In the Report settings pane, select the page size (A4 by default) and orientation (portrait by default).
  5. Optionally, configure the header and footer in the Header and Footer pane (these tabs are inactive by default).
  6. In the Generation tab, define when and for which data to generate a report using a record. The record can be based on an Excel file or any other available data source to store the data. It should include the following fields.

    ID: An ID of the report instance

    ReportName: Name of the report

    StartOn: Date/time to start report generation

    Interval: Frequency, in seconds, for generating the report

    FromDate: Start date for the report data

    ToDate: End date for the report data

    DeliveryMethod: Method (email or file) for delivering the report. Use File to save the report to file and Email to deliver the report to the email.

    FolderName: If delivery method is File, the name of the folder where file is saved.

    FileName: Name of the report file.

    DriverGroup: Name if the filter group to which all filters will be applied.

    EmailSubject: Subject text if the report is sent by email.

    If the report is generated as an Extracted file, additional fields are applied.

    ExportContent: Lists values to export, as in the Export to Excel dialog box. Valid values: CurrentPageTopDrilldown, AllPagesTopDrilldown, AllPagesAllDrilldowns.

    ExportFormat: Export format, as in the Export to Excel dialog box. Valid values: UnformattedXml, FormattedExcel, UnformattedCsv, UnformattedTsv.

    The record could have any number of fields where the field name represents a dimension name and the value is a selected value for the filter. If you need several values for the filter, you may have several Generation record rows with the same ID and other fields and different values in that field.

  7. Select the record which contains report recipients. The record must contain the following fields.
    • ID: An ID of the report instance.

    • RecipientEmail: Lists emails of the report recipients.

  8. Click Save.