Save user parameters

If the dashboard contains a parameter filter and a button is assigned to Save user settings, the user can change the parameters and then save the changes by clicking the button. The next time the user accesses the Viewer, the view is filtered by the saved parameters. This user saved parameter settings only apply to a specific user and parameters are not changed globally.

For example, User1 selects to color all values over 100 as red. User1 can select this parameter and click the button (with the Save user settings, action assigned). User2 can set this parameter to 200. When User1 and User2 access the Viewer, they see the data filtered according to their saved selection.

  1. Add the Button component to the dashboard to create the Save button.
  2. For the Button, open the Actions wizard and select Save user settings.
  3. For the grid, navigate to Actions wizard > Incoming Actions.
  4. Select the same group set for Outgoing Actions under the Actions wizard for the parameter filter. In this case, it is Current view (global, local).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Open the View in the Viewer.