Copy a Set of Settings in a Table

If you need to add a set of settings to a table, but there is already a row that has similar settings, you do not need to create the row from scratch. Instead, you can copy and then edit an existing row in the table by following these steps.

  1. Select your Project from the list.

    A second list of "Settings" is displayed.

  2. Select the desired Settings from the list.

    If the selected "Settings" require a "Profile," an additional list is displayed. If no profile is needed, a list of settings is displayed.

  3. Optionally, select a Profile from the list.

    A set if settings is displayed for that profile.

  4. Select a specific settings in the left pane that is displayed in tabular format.

    A table is displayed.

  5. Scroll through the table until you see the row you are copying and select the left-most check box beside that row.

    This selects the row so it can be copied.

  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the table and press Copy Data.

    An additional row is added to the table and all unique ids and indexes are incremented accordingly.

  7. Modify the copied row with your desired settings and click Insert.

    Your copied row is now saved as part of the table.

  8. Optionally, add, copy, modify, reset, or delete additional settings, or close the Solution Configuration Manager.