Unit of Measure Settings

These settings configure the database lookup parameters that are used for unit of measure conversion that may occur during line pairing.

Important These options are not available in the Azure cloud environment.
SQL Connection Group

The SQL connection group that specifies the database connection string for the unit of measure conversion table database. If no connection group is specified, the system uses group 1.

DB Table Name

The name of the unit of measure conversion database table. This setting is mandatory for unit of measure conversion database lookups.

Use PO Partition

If selected, the unit of measure conversion database lookup uses a purchase order partition. Purchase order partitions are set against the client in the Solution Configuration Manager > Client Settings > Client Settings.

PO Partition Column

Enter the unit of measure database column name that holds the PO partition ID. The PO partition ID is set in the Solution Configuration Manager > Global Settings > Partition Settings > PO Number Partition Settings.

This setting is mandatory if the Use PO Partition setting is selected.

DB Material No

The technical name of the column in the unit of measure conversion table that represents the item material number.


The technical name of the column in the unit of measure conversion table that represents the material base unit of measure, such as the destination unit of measure.

DB Numerator

The technical name of the column in the unit of measure conversion table that represents the numerator component of the unit of measure conversion ratio.

DB Denominator

The technical name of the column in the unit of measure conversion table that represents the numerator component of the unit of measure conversion ratio.

DB External UOM

The technical name of the column in the unit of measure conversion table that represents the external unit of measure read from the invoice where the conversion takes place.