Invalid Reason Display Text

These settings hold the invalid reasons that may be set by a Validation user during production. It is possible to add multiple entries for these settings. As a result, the settings are displayed in a table.

The following column settings are available.


This is a read-only ID that represents the invalid reason.


The rule ID for the invalid reason. The rule governs how Validation behaves when a particular invalid reason is selected.

The following rules are available:

  • SETVENDORTOVALID. Sets the vendor field to valid.

  • SETPOTOVALID. Sets the purchase order number field to valid.

    However, no line pairing is carried out.

  • ALLOWNONPOVENDOR. Allows a vendor ID to pass even if it is unconnected to the purchase order, but only as long as the vendor ID exists in the master table.

  • SETAMOUNTSTOVALID. Sets the amount fields and the table to valid.

    However, no line pairing is carried out.

  • THIRDPARTYFREIGHT. Sets the vendor number field to valid as long as the vendor exists, and processes the document according to the third-party freight rules during line pairing.

  • SETVENDORANDPOTOVALID. Sets the purchase order and vendor number fields to valid.

    However, no line pairing is carried out.

  • NONVATCOMPLIANT. Sets the local VAT amount, exchange rate, vendor, and bill-to VAT registration number fields to valid.

  • STOCKINVOICE. Sets the purchase order number field to valid.

    Line pairing is still carried out based on purchase orders set in the LinePairingPOs.

  • ZEROVALUEINVOICE. Permits a zero total to pass in Validation.

Validation Display

The invalid reason message displayed in Validation.

Export Code

The invalid reason code exported by Invoice Processing Agility if the Invalid Reason field is set.