Country profiles

Documents look different and are handled differently in different parts of the world. Capture rates are greatly improved by correct use of country profiles. A country profile is like a package of Kofax'es extensive knowledge and experience of what documents are like in a specific country or region.

By using country profiles, you are actually specializing your Kofax ReadSoft Entrance setup to capture data just the way it is presented in your part of the world.

The country profile is also at work during the interpretation process, when fields are captured on documents. Interpret reads the settings and maps the field profiles to the correct field type. Use of business logic triggers specialized (region-specific) behavior in the program to your advantage.

How it works

When you create a new document profile, you select a country and a type of document profile. Doing so applies a suitable settings to your new document profile, and number of field profiles are included by default.

All the settings for each field profile (field type format, titles, options, etc.) are already specified. Of course you can change these if desired.

Adding additional field profiles to the document profile

If you add an additional field profile, you can select one of the field types in the Field profile dialog: General settings. (The available ones are defined in the Field types dialog.) If you choose one of these, you get the business logic of the field but no other properties or settings.

Note You must select the field type (regular, date or amount) and specify the field format, among other things, as these are not included in a new field profile.

Warning: There is nothing to prevent you from making contradictory settings, such as selecting Amount as the type for an InvoiceDate field.

Available country profiles

The following country profiles are available. Note that a "country" can include two or more countries that share the same language, regulations and requirements.

Other country profiles may be made available after this writing. Please contact your Kofax representative for more information.

  • Australia (AUS)
  • Belgium (BEL)
  • Canada (CAN)
  • Chile (CHL)
  • China (CHN)
  • Czech Republic (CZE)
  • Denmark (DNK)
  • Finland (FIN)
  • France (FRA)
  • Germany (DEU)
  • Great Britain (GBR)
  • Indonesia (IDN)

  • Isreal (ISR)
  • Italy (ITA)
  • Japan (JPN)
  • Korea (KOR)
  • Lithuania (LTU) - ReadSoft Entrance 6.0.3 or later
  • Mexico (MEX)
  • Netherlands (NLD)
  • New Zealand (NZL)
  • Norway (NOR)
  • Poland (POL)
  • Portugal (PRT)
  • Spain (ESP)
  • Sweden (SWE)
  • Switzerland (CHE)
  • Taiwan (TWN)
  • Thailand (THA)
  • Turkey (TUR)
  • USA (USA)
  • Vietnam (VNM)
  • Other*

* "Other" contains fields that are used in many countries. Examples: document number, document data, total amount.

Predefined (system) field types available in country profiles

There are many field types available, depending on which country profile you use. View those available to you in the Field types dialog. See also "Predefined field types available in Kofax ReadSoft Entrance country profiles" in the INI help.

Files included in a country profile

Each country profile contains:

  • At least one (usually two more) EHIX files containing invoice profiles that include the commonly used fields used in the country. Note: EHI files from older versions of Kofax ReadSoft Entrance do not work with this version of Entrance. Only EHIX files work.
  • An Eiglobalextra.ini file that tells Kofax ReadSoft Entrance how to apply business logic when capturing the data on documents. You can change the settings in this file to adjust how data is captured.
  • A Configuration.ini file that controls how the document profiles are used.

Some country profiles also contain:

  • DCL files that Kofax ReadSoft Entrance uses to improve the capture rate for certain fields.
Adjusting a country profile

Advanced users can use the country profile's Eiglobalextra.ini file to:

  • Adjust business logic.
  • Adjust field types to control how Kofax ReadSoft Entrance handles the field (for example which search areas to use, titles to exclude, etc.).