Update document definitions using imported sender data

Automatic updates

When you import master data, sender data is updated in the Kofax ReadSoft Entrance database. Then Kofax ReadSoft Entrance automatically finds document definitions that are connected to the updated senders and updates details in those definitions, if necessary.  

Note Sender details are only updated automatically if a sender with the same ID exists in the master data.

Manual updates

Sometimes you need to update the sender in a document definition and link it to a different sender in the master data. For example, say one of your senders merges with another company. This results in a new sender in the master data, and you must manually change the document definition by connecting it to this new sender. Use the procedure described below.

When you do this, Kofax ReadSoft Entrance can perform a more extensive attempt to match senders, using all sender data that appears in both the master data and document definitions.

Note Before starting this procedure, ensure that only senders from the master data are displayed in the Optimize module, so that you are only able to match senders from the document definitions with those in the master data. (Instructions.)
  1. Using Manager, select Settings > Master data policy.
  2. Select both settings in that dialog.

  4. Open the Optimize module.
  5. Right-click one of the document profiles and select Open. The list of document definitions is displayed.
  6. Select the document definition(s) for which you want to find a different sender in the master data.
  7. Right-click and select Match senders.
  8. Kofax ReadSoft Entrance attempts to match senders based on the document definition image and sender details in the master data. If matches are found, the Optimize module displays the document and the name of the sender from the master data.

  9. If the match is correct, click Approve. Repeat this process until the senders for all selected document definitions are matched and connected.

    If the match is incorrect, you can manually correct the correct sender name. As you begin typing, Kofax ReadSoft Entrance displays the first sender in the sender registry that matches what you type. Press Enter when the correct sender is displayed, and click Approve to save the selected document definition(s).

The result: The selected document definitions are connected with the new sender and updated with sender details from the master data.