Use email address to identify senders

Email addresses can be used to identify senders of documents in one of two ways when using master data depending on the source of the invoices:

  • For documents received by email, the sender can be identified by matching the sender's email address to email addresses found in master data.
  • For documents scanned from paper documents (internal source) or images taken from a file folder, the sender's email address can be extracted if found on the document itself and matched to master data.

For both alternatives, email addresses for senders must first be included in master data (supplier.xml), in the format EmailAddress="",  and the updated master data must be imported to the system. Expected email addresses for senders are then listed in the Senders dialog.

Note This does not work for XML documents.

Identify senders sent by email using the sender's email address

Add UseEmailAddress=1 to the [Options] section in the Eiglobal.ini file. See INI file help for more information.

When a document is received by email, the sender's email address is checked against those found in master data. If a match is found, the corresponding sender is connected to the document.

Identify senders by extracting email addresses directly from the invoice

Add Fieldn=EmailAddress (where n is an integer) to the [OcrSupplierIdentification] section in the Eiglobal.ini file. See INI file help for information.

If an email address is extracted for a document during Interpret, and it matches an email address for a sender in master data, that sender is automatically connected to the document.