Add search fields

  1. Log in to MarkView and navigate to Document Library > Admin.
  2. Select the Search Fields tab.
  3. Click Add to open a new search field page.
  4. Click Select Property to open a list from which to select a Property Name.

    The LOV, Active Object Types, includes a column that shows how many object types contain a property of the same name. Click the selection button next to the property. Doing so returns you to the add page.

  5. Enter a Property Label in the text box provided. This label appears on the search page.
  6. Enter the Display Order as an integer in the text box provided. This number indicates where this custom field appears on the search page relative to other custom fields.
  7. Click Save.

    By default, custom search fields appear between the Name and the Filename fields on the search page.

    If you change the property name in the object type, manually update the custom search field entry to reflect the change. It is necessary to do because there is no direct tie between the search field property name and the object types where the properties exist.

Exclude an object type from the search

Custom search fields are joined with the other fixed search fields on the page so that all criteria must be satisfied to return a match (Boolean AND).

  1. Log in to MarkView and navigate to Document Library > Admin.
  2. Select the Object Types tab.
  3. In the object types list, click Details next to the object type to exclude.
  4. In the Searchable list on the Edit page, select No.
  5. Click Save.