Manage user list

Two methods are available to delete or change the state of a user.

  • Options drop down:

  • Bulk actions:

    Use bulk actions to change the state of several users at once. If one or more check boxes are selected, the Suspend, Activate, Reinvite and Delete buttons are visible. If you click one of these buttons the corresponding action is applied to all selected users.

    Suspend users

    This action blocks the user from accessing this account. The user cannot log in, but can be reactivated with the same credentials.

    Activate users

    After suspending a user, a server administrator can restore the account membership at any time. Once restored, the user can sign in and access SignDoc Standard functionality.

    Reinvite users

    A server administrator can reinvite an already invited user. This action may be useful if the original email is lost. For this purpose, a new Reinvite action is added to the menu for each invited user in the list. The administrator can repeat the action until the user becomes active. This happens when the user provides a password for the first time. Reinviting a user will invalidate all invitations previously sent.

    Delete users

    This action deletes the user’s access data and blocks the user from accessing the account.