Configure what appears in MarkView Viewer

By default, MarkView ships with a number of fields associated with detail types visible when a user views an invoice in MarkView Viewer, such as the Supplier Name in the Invoice Details section.
  1. From the list on the left side of the Module Admin window, click Detail Type.
  2. Under Detail Name, locate the option to make visible in the mobile Web Inbox, scroll to the Layout Page column, and click Show Layout.
  3. Locate the line with the field name to appear, scroll to the far right, and click Update.
  4. Under Layout Query, click Show Query.
  5. Locate the field name to appear, scroll to the far right, and click Update.
  6. Under Include in Mobile, select Y to display the field or N to keep from displaying the field.
  7. Under Mobile Display Order, enter a number to specify where in the order of fields the field will appear.
  8. Click Update.

    When a user views an invoice in MarkView Viewer, the field containing the information that you configured appears as part of the invoice details.