Toolbar buttons

Toolbar buttons drive activity and let you navigate in MarkView Process Monitor. As you move between pages in the MarkView Process Monitor, the toolbar changes to reflect what you can do in that particular view. The following table describes the buttons that appear in the toolbar as you change views. Not all buttons appear in every view.

Note Use toolbar buttons for refresh and paging activities instead of the browser buttons.
Table 1. Toolbar Buttons and Actions



Button to display a new queue level

Opens the Queue Configuration pages to display a new queue bar graph.

Button to display new queue items

Opens the Queue Configuration pages to display a new queue items view.

Button to add a bar to the bar graph

Adds a single bar to the current queue level display.

Button to open a configuration

Displays a list of stored queue configurations from which to select one to open.

Button to save a configuration

Saves the current queue level or items display as a stored configuration in the database.

Button for deleting a configuration

Displays a list of stored queue configurations from which to select one to delete.

Button for editing the layout of a queue level

Changes the wording and appearance of the queue level display.

Button for editing general preferences

Sets preferences for monitoring frequency and date formats in item detail displays.

Button to refresh the current view

Refreshes the data in the current queue level or item display.

Button to start continuous monitoring

Begins periodic refresh activity at the specified polling frequency. Click this button to toggle the Stop Monitoring button.

Button to stop continuous monitoring

Stops periodic refresh activity. Click this button to toggle the Monitoring Continuously button. Kofax recommends that you stop monitoring continuously when you no longer require refreshed data.

Button to show queue levels

Returns to the previous queue level display from an queue items display or drill-down view.

Button to show queue items

Returns to the previous queue items displayed from a drill-down view.

Button to see work item properties

Switches to the work item properties view from the history view for the currently selected work item. Clicking this button toggles the Work Item History button.

Button to access the history of a work item

Switches to the history view from the work item properties view for the currently selected work item. Click this button to toggle the Work Item Properties button.

Button to open an item in MarkView Viewer

Displays the MarkView document image linked to the currently selected work item from the work item properties or history view.

Button to see workflows

Returns to the Queue Configuration: Workflows page from the Queue Configuration: Queues & Work Item Classes page.

Button to edit the queue item display

Changes the configuration of the current queue items display.

Button to cancel changes

Reverts changes made in the Queue Configuration pages to the previous queue items display.

Button to cancel the current view

Closes the current page and return to the previous view.