Create a project

In this step, you create a new shared project and add five document types to the project in Transformation Designer.

  1. On the main menu, Project > New Project.

    Classification: Create New Project

  2. In the Project Settings dialog box, on the General tab, select Enable Online Learning.

    Project Settings for Classification

  3. To enable classification Online Learning, click Advanced and select Use Classification Online Learning.

    Advanced Online Learning options for Classification

  4. Add the following five document types that are typical in a mortgage application process to the Project Class.

    Project Tree with five document types

    By default, each document type is configured to be trainable based on the document layout and content.

  5. To allow all document types to be monitored for Online Learning, select Classification Online Learning. When an operator assigns a document to that class, TotalAgility automatically flags the document for Online Learning.
  6. Select File > Classification and click Train Classification once. Even though you did not actually provide sample documents, this step will create an empty model that TotalAgility improves over time during Online Learning.

    Train Classification

    Now that the project is created and configured, you can release the project.

  7. Select File > Release and click Release Project.

    Release Classification project