Create a process and generate forms

Perform the following steps in TotalAgility Designer.

  1. Create a process similar to the following sample process.

    Create new process for extraction

  2. In the process configuration, configure the following:
    1. Select the defined classification group on the process.

    2. Select Initialize from scan.

  3. Create a folder. Click here for more information on creating a folder in TotalAgility Designer.
  4. Use the folder as input to the Classify and Validation activities. Click the following links for more information on how to use a folder (variable) as input to the Classification and Validation activities:
  5. In the User interface section, generate the following forms:

    1. Scan create new job form

    2. Activity form for the Validation activity

    3. Document form for the Invoices document type. Click here for more information on the Document form.

  6. Release all artifacts.