Management Console

The Management Console is a set of customizable forms available in Workspace.

Management Console is only supported for TotalAgility on-premise; it is not supported for an on-premise multi-tenant installation.

The Console shows how the system is performing relative to

  • Automatic activities (processed by Core Worker, Transformation, Export)

  • Job Evaluation, Archiving, Retention worker tasks (processed by the corresponding system tasks)

  • Machines (work is completed by an automation agent on a particular machine) and a deployment can consist of one or many machines.

Management Console

The Management Console thus provides visibility into the functioning of the entire deployment and insight into what is happening now, and what has happened recently so that areas of concern can be addressed, or the system can be optimized for future performance. Thus, issues can be identified quickly and efficiently or automation agents can be intercepted to optimize and adjust how they are processing work by applying a profile.

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