Known issues

This section describes issues that you may encounter while using Equitrac and provides workarounds, as applicable.

Dialog background and text are both black

1783952: EQToolTray and EQPDToolTray utilities: The dialog background and text are both black, making the the text unreadable.

Cross-site scripting issue for the dropdown controls

1782060: Scan Client: There is cross-site scripting attack surface for the dropdown UI controls.

'User Prefix' text is not translated

1777086: Web System Manager: The "User Prefix" text on the External Print Queue screen is not translated.

Incorrect translation for 'Do not allow card registration'

1775394: Web System Manager: The translations for "Do not allow card registration" are incorrect on the Authentication Options screen.

Error message may appear if more than 200 users are deleted at one time

1773990: Web System Manager - Users, Departments, Billing Codes: An error message appears after deleting more than 200 items in one operation when the network connection or the server computer is slow.

The 'AD synchronization' field takes too long to update

1762653: Web System Manager: The "AD synchronization" field is not updated immediately on the System Dashboard screen.

Workaround: It is updated once the Equitrac application pool in IIS is restarted (manually, or after a long idle time).

Issue with updating directory synchronization profiles

1760750: Web System Manager - Directory Synchronization screen: Updating the directory synchronization profiles in separate tabs restores the first saved profile.

Workaround: Edit one synchronization profile at a time, in only one browser tab.

Administrative UI overwrites synchronization data

1759164: Active Directory synchronization: The administrative UI overwrites the last synchronization data.

Workaround: Disable background synchronization while the settings are edited.

Job is queued for printer 'x-Temp'

1730243: I-Queue Direct printing: The job is queued for printer 'x-Temp', if the selected printer does not have an assigned printer driver.

Workaround: When a print driver is assigned, I-Queue Direct print job works as expected.

Cashier application does not work and cannot connect to CAS

1599452: The Cashier application does not work and it cannot communicate with CAS.

Issues for printers with control characters in their names

1594040: Device Management: For a printer with control characters in its name, the related print queue was duplicated and the print jobs were not tracked.

Workaround: Use printers without control characters.

Cannot enable tracing for a high number of DRC components

1501003: Web System Manager - Diagnostics screen: Services cannot be loaded if the number of DRC components is high (100+). As a result, the trace settings cannot be changed from this screen.

Workaround: Change the trace settings locally for the components.

Card swipe login issue

Card swipe does not work if only one of the following options is enabled:

1423091: Device clients - Login: Card swipe login does not work when only the "Equitrac primary or alternate PIN with external password" option is enabled.

1423076: Device clients - Login: Card swipe login does not work when only the "External username and password" option is enabled.