Configuring the Interpret job to process XML invoices

To run Kofax ReadSoft Invoices with ReadSoft Collector, you must configure the Interpret job description to process the files collected by the ReadSoft Collector server module.

  1. Using the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices Manager or Interpret module, open or create the job that you configured to process emailed invoices or invoices retrieved from a file folder using ReadSoft Collector.
  2. In the Interpret > Source settings of the dialog that is displayed, select Data source extension as the invoice source.
  3. Select ReadSoft Collector in the drop-down list.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. The ReadSoft ReadSoft Collector job configuration dialog is displayed:
  6. Click OK to close the dialogs. Save your changes if prompted to do so.


Specifying an input source for an Interpret job

Configuring the Interpret job to process email