Adding information to processed invoices using user-defined variables

User-defined variables can be used to add extra information to processed invoices:

  1. Using the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices Manager or Interpret module, open or create the job that you configured to process emailed invoices using ReadSoft Collector.

  2. In the Interpret > Source settings of the dialog that is displayed, select Data source extension as the invoice source.
  3. Select ReadSoft Collector in the drop-down list.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. Click the Custom values tab.

  6. First select the information that you want to add to the invoice in the Available values drop-down list.

    Note: You can add any other relevant information to invoices by using the "Other" option. The text entered in the User defined value box should be written in the format name of user-defined variable=value.

    Example: Let's say that you use a separate job for each Interpret operator, and you want to add the operator's name (Sven, for example) to the invoices he processes. To do this, you would select Other in the Available values list and you could then write Itrp=Sven in the User defined value box. As a result, the user-defined variable (Itrp) with the corresponding value (Sven) would be added to the information included with each invoice processed using this job.

  7. Then type a unique name for the new user-defined variable in the box provided.

  8. Click to add the new user-defined variable to the list below.


When processing XML invoices from file, Other is the only user-defined value that can be defined.

Specifying an input source for an Interpret job

Specifying how images are handled in a ReadSoft Collector job

Specifying which email attachment types are acceptable as invoices and which should be ignored

Configuring plugins in ReadSoft Collector