The Input tab - ReadSoft Collector job configuration dialog

To access this dialog:


Use these settings to configure the Kofax ReadSoft Invoices job:

Input source

Select the input source configuration that you want to use for the job. If nothing is available here, you need to click the Settings button and create an input source  first.

Rename all files

Renames all files for processed invoices according to what is specified in the box below.

Filename format

Specifies the string pattern used to rename all files with.

List of available macros

Click a macro and then click Insert Macro to add it to the Filename format box.

Preview (filename example)

An example of the filename is provided based on what has been added to the Filename format box.

Settings button

Clicking this button opens the ReadSoft Collector General settings dialog, where you can:

This dialog has other settings.