
Kofax Power PDF for Mac aims to provide good assistive support for users who may need it. To see which accessibility shortcuts the application currently supports, choose Kofax Power PDF for Mac > Services > Services Preferences > Accessibility.

A copy of our Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), evaluating the application according to Section 508 Standards, can be provided upon request.

Make the application easier to use with:

Text to Speech

Hear a document read aloud. 

To hear an entire document read aloud, choose Edit > Speech > Start Speaking.

To only hear a selected part of a document:
1. Select the text you want to read aloud.

2. Choose Edit > Speech > Start Speaking.

To stop the reading, choose Edit > Speech > Stop Speaking.


The application supports ToolTips. ToolTips, identifying a specific tool or set of tools, appear when you use a pointer to hover for a few seconds over the tool. ToolTips remain visible until you move the pointer away from the tool. 

ToolTips may also appear in interactive forms to describe form fields if the form designer added them.

The application leverages many macOS accessibility functions. For macOS assistance, please refer to our macOS Help section.