Changes in behavior

This topic describes behavior in Kofax RPA 11.5.0 that has changed from previous releases.

Service authentication method change

Kofax RPA services authenticate with Management Console using OAuth 2.

API changes

Legacy and new APIs

In Kofax RPA 11.5.0, you can use legacy and new APIs.

See the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide - Legacy APIs, Java API documentation and help files available in the api folder located in the package.


Configure the apiKey property. Create a User API token in the Management Console user menu and substitute the apiKey value with an appropriate token.

User name and password can be used in the legacy APIs with some limitations. To use Robot File System, Document Transformation Service, or password store, apiKey is required.

Public classes discontinued

Update your applications to include current APIs in the requests.

See Java API documentation and help files available in the api folder located in the package.

.NET API targets

The .NET API targets .NET Standard instead of .NET Framework 4.0. This change supports applications built on .NET Core version 2.0 to 6.0 and .NET Framework 4.7.2 and newer.

Be advised that this change might affect existing applications and configurations that use .NET API and older versions of .NET Framework. To avoid errors and prevent application failures, reconfigure applications that are using the former .NET API logging and older versions of the .NET Framework.

.NET API logging

The .NET API no longer writes log files by itself. To make it easier to integrate the .NET API logging into the logging mechanism of the application, a plugin architecture is available that allows the application to provide its own logging mechanism. Applications depending on the old .NET API logging may require adjustments.

See "Logging" in the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide - Legacy APIs.

RoboServer changes

User management

The direct authentication to RoboServer is deprecated. User management and authentication are handled by Management Console.


All the logging is now handled by Management Console, so the direct connection from the RoboServer to a RoboServer log database is not required.

Memory threshold discontinued

The option to configure the threshold value to detect RoboServer memory overload is no longer available.

Kapplets changes

The following changes are introduced to Kapplets.

  • Icons are updated.

  • The Legacy backup tab is removed to make the backup procedure more transparent. Use the Backup tab to create and restore Kapplets backup files.

    See Backup, restore, and migrate in the Kofax RPA Help.

  • In Administration, the "OAuth Client Secret" tab is renamed to Shared Secret.

Changes to Extract from Email action

The HTML parser has been updated for the Extract from Email action. Be aware that this might affect the action behavior.

Cluster robot execution defaults

In Management Console > Admin > RoboServers > Cluster settings, the default values for the following properties are changed:

  • Max concurrent robots: 5

  • Max queued robots: 10

PDFBox upgrade

The Apache PDFBox library has been upgraded to a major version and this affects the behavior of the Extract From PDF action step in Basic Engine Robots.

The pages generated from this step may be divided into paragraphs more than before and some extra whitespace characters may be present. This can affect the existing finders. Check and test any robots using this step. Sentences may be out of order in PDF files containing right-to-left text.

To extract content from PDF files with right-to-left text, use the Robot PDF step instead.

JavaScript engine upgrade

The Convert Using JavaScript data converter now uses the Standard JavaScript engine, which is consistent with the Execute JavaScript action. Due to engine migration, the converter behavior may change slightly and some syntax adjustments may be necessary.

Windows Docker containers discontinued

Windows Docker containers are no longer supported.

RoboServer authentication and purge settings discontinued

In Management Console, the following settings are discontinued.

RoboServer authentication

The option for configuring credentials that Management Console uses to authenticate to RoboServer is deprecated. RoboServer authenticates and registers to the Management Console using the shared secret.

See "Request Authentication" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

RoboServer purge

The "RoboServer purge" tab is removed. RoboServer automatically registers with a Management Console. It appears in the list of RoboServers when it goes online and is removed from the list every time it goes offline.

Library protocol discontinued

The Kofax RPA non-standard library protocol used to refer to a file in the robot library is deprecated.

Modify your Robots to use the Robot File System instead.

Modify your Basic Engine Robots to get the files as input or place the files on a web server.

Design Studio Access token removed

The Design Studio Access token that resided in the Design Studio > Help > About section is removed.

The User API token is used instead.

Use legacy Java-Access-Bridge option discontinued

In the Desktop Automation Service window, the "Use legacy Java-Access-Bridge" option is removed.

Classic browser options in Design Studio removed

Due to the decommissioning of the Classic browser, some items are removed from Design Studio and the documentation.

Extract Flash Content action step discontinued

The Extract Flash Content action step is no longer available in Basic Engine Robots.