Password store

Password store is a password repository designed to grant access to different systems without disclosing sensitive information. The "Password store" section shows available and assigned password store entries. Here you can create new and edit existing entries.

The section contains two tabs:

At the top of each tab, in the Projects drop-down list, you can select the project with password store entries to display.

You can change the way the information for each password store entry is presented as follows:

  • Select the table columns to display for an entry using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.
  • Select the number of items to display per page and navigate among pages by using the navigation menu in the bottom right corner.

Use Password store

The following are general steps for using the password store.

  1. In the selected Management Console, navigate to Repository > Password store and create a password entry on the Passwords tab.
  2. In Design Studio, navigate to Settings > Design Studio Settings, and on the Management Consoles tab, specify the Management Console to store passwords and select Use as Primary.
  3. Once a robot is ready for deployment, it needs to be uploaded to the Management Console. When the robot is uploaded, in the Management Console, on the Password access tab, create a new password access entry for the uploaded robot using an access token for a robot (can be obtained by clicking Get resource access token in the robot context menu) or a Design Studio instance (can be copied from the About window in the Design Studio). Also, use the password entry created in Step 1.

Every time you upload your robot or any of its components, such as types, snippets, and so on, to Management Console, a new password access entry must be created for the robot. Previous entries are kept in the password access list and you can delete them manually.