Subscribe to a report

Use this component to allow the user to subscribe to any report for which access is given.

  • The report must exist and scheduled to run.

  • User email must be defined in Admin Console. See the Kofax Insight Admin Console Help.

  1. In Studio, expand the Reports in the Documents Tree and select the required report.
  2. Navigate to the Delivery section in the editor screen on the right and specify all the emails to send the report.
  3. Open a View. From the Components toolbar, click the Reports self-subscription icon and drag it onto the View.
  4. Log in to the Viewer. If the defined user email coincides with the email set for report delivery, the self-subscription component shows a list of reports with check boxes. You may select a report to subscribe and save your choice.

    Note The self-subscription list shows only the reports that the user is authorized to view.