R integration (R Functions and R Models)

R is a free open source software language used to perform statistical calculations. Insight also provides the ability to call R functions, create R models, and consequently use them.

Insight serves as a tool that provides the initial data for the R script and later after the results are calculated and received, uses them for the dashboards.

In Insight, R functions can be used in records during data load or for on-demand dashboard requests.

To use R in Insight, do the following:

  • Install R: Search for the download R Server package online. If you installed R on the Insight server, in the Insight installation > Server directory, find AltoSoft.Insight.DashboardServer.exe.config and also the web.config file located in the WcfDataService directory and add the following key: <add key="Insight.RServerPath" value="C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R client\R_SERVER\bin" /> where the value specifies the path to the R.exe file.

  • Create a system DSN, which points to the project Data DB. Then, open the Data DB data source and provide the DSN name in the Property Panel, under the System DSN property.

To use R integrated into MS SQL or Oracle, do the following:

  1. Integrate R with the SQL server: Add R integration to the RDBMS (MS SQL or Oracle).

    Note For Oracle, the Oracle R Enterprise feature is required.

  2. In Studio, on the Documents Tree, click Data Sources.

  3. Select Data DB and in the Property Panel, find Use integrated R language support. Select the check box to use R on the SQL server.

Note The integrated R is used only for on-demand requests.