Pin layers

You can add pins to your map to identify details. Rather than displaying an aggregated value per state, county, or country, each pin marks an individual location. Pins can have different appearances such as bubbles or custom images, or charts.

For the pins based on the record layer, you can define condition coloring based on the location field, such as City.

Note Pins are specific points on the map, typically defined by longitude and latitude coordinates. When adding pins to your map component, specify where to get the coordinates. You can map any field to its coordinates using a translation table, such as store addresses, shipping addresses, or any entity with map coordinates.

The metric pin layer is similar to a metric grid or a bubble chart. In addition to the metric series, there is a translation table series used for the X-axis and Y-axis.

The record pin layer is similar to a record grid or scatter chart where you can define the record and fields for the axes. The only difference is that the pin layer returns translation table attributes for coordinates.

  1. In the Data wizard for the map component, select Pin layers.
    This screen contains the information about all existing pin layers. You can rename the layer in the Layer column and open the layer wizard by clicking Details.
  2. To add a new layer, select Add new data.

    The Add pin layer window appears. Possible options include:

  3. Select the layer type and click OK.
  4. A regular component wizard appears with four tabs: Data, Time, Display, and Action.