Data load module

Load Data is a process that loads historical data from the project external data sources into the project data database, also known as Data mart. This allows Insight to perform aggregation on the metrics and make the dashboards more efficient.

  1. From the Guide, under Load Data, click the Load data link.

    As another option, start the Data Loader application by clicking the Data Loader tab on the menu bar, or select Data load module on the Documents Tree.

  2. Use the check boxes to select the Records and Metrics to load. With an initial or full data load, make sure every record and metric is selected to ensure all data is loaded.
  3. Set the appropriate time period for the data to include. Do not change the current default dates.
  4. Click the Load data button to start the loading of data into Data mart. The time required for a data load depends on the speed of the database and the number and complexity of the processed records.

    After the data is loaded, you can view a summary of the data load at the bottom of the screen. The summary indicates whether the data is successfully loaded.

    Note Load each Record and Metric directly or via an execution plan, but not both. Execution plans are a good way to organize data loading. You might create an hourly and a daily execution plan and load Records and Metrics using one or the other, depending on the frequency you want to update them.

    Data loads can also be initiated from a batch file. For an example of how to do this, execute the file SchedulerConsole.exe in the SchedulerConsole Insight installation directory such as:

    C:\Program Files\Insight\SchedulerConsole\SchedulerConsole.exe