What's new

This topic lists new and changed features that are available in Kofax Insight 6.4.0 as listed here.

Support for OData Feed 4.0.x

You can use OData to expand Insight data source connectivity to web-based data sources. It is possible to define OData as a data source for stored and on-demand records and metrics, perform derived calculation, apply aggregations and transformations, and more. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

High Availability supported on Kubernetes and Swarm environment

You can now install Insight in the high availability mode on Azure Kubernetes and on Docker with Swarm on-premise environment. For details, see the Kofax Insight Installation Guide.

Custom queries for various databases

Insight supports creating custom queries for various databases. Before executing a query, Insight compares database types and takes the corresponding custom query. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

Case insensitive filtering and sorting for Oracle

In Insight 6.4.0, you can apply a case insensitive filtering and sorting for metrics and records for an Oracle-based Data database connection. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

Special rights tab updated

In Insight 6.4.0, the File rights tab has been renamed to Special rights. The Can download log files and Show exception message options are now available and can be assigned by the Administrator to the users with a non-Administrator role. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Admin Console.

Quick search option available on menu

Insight enables you to search the views and view components available on the menu. For example, you are looking for components related to "paid invoices." In this case, you can enter "paid invoices" in the enabled search box and look through the returned components. For the quick search, Insight uses names and descriptions for views, and titles and descriptions for components. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

Ability to redirect users to the predefined page after a logout

In Insight 6.4.0, it is possible to configure a custom URL to redirect users after a logout. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Admin Console.

Ability to send alert messages to emails from Record or Process field

Now you can send alert messages to the specified emails from a Record or a Process field. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

Ability to use custom calendars for execution plan and report schedule

Once you create a custom calendar, you can use this calendar later in any component of the dashboard or select it for your execution plans and reports. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Admin Console.

Ability to customize file name

In Insight 6.4.0, you can customize the exported file names using any text for the file names along with the predefined templates: Component name or view name, and export date. For details, see Help for Kofax Insight Studio.

Ability to set Page size, Orientation, and Margins for the project

In Insight 6.4.0, when clicking Print current view, you can change the default Page size, Orientation, and Print margins settings once for the entire project in the Print Dashboard wizard.