Known issues

This topic lists issues that you may encounter while working with Kofax Insight 6.4.0. The workarounds are provided, as applicable.

First row selection not applied after refresh

1666032: The first row selection is not applied in a record grid, metric grid, and chart after a refresh.

Default Aggregation driver value not applied

1658697: The default Aggregation Driver value is not applied if you print a report.

Default Entity driver value not applied

1658095: The default Entity Driver value is not applied to a metric grid if you view a report.

Drill down not hidden

1575285: The DataSeries dimension is displayed in a metric grid even if only one series is actually shown.

Some error messages not localized

1524458: Some error messages are not translated into Japanese and only displayed in English.

Wrong theme used when printing current view to PDF

1456274: If you assign a non-default theme for a role, and assign the role to a non-Administrator user, the current view is printed with a wrong theme.

Note Defining themes in the Roles section in Admin Console is obsolete. This option will be removed in a next release.

Workaround: Define the default theme directly in the project in Tools > Project settings > Project theme or in a specific layout.

Wrong order of drill-downs in columns

1147989: The order of drill-downs in a column is incorrect after you export a grid with several drill-downs in a column to Excel.