PO Number Formats

These settings define purchase order number formatting for extraction. It is possible to add multiple entries for this setting. As a result, the settings are displayed in a table.


The index ID that is given to each format string used to generate purchase order number alternatives. The value must be unique for each entry.


The format string for a possible purchase order number. Multiple formats can be entered per profile ID, with one per index.

The "#" character is a wildcard that represents any number. The "@" character represents any alpha character.

For example, "45########" indicates a purchase order number as a ten-digit number beginning with 45.

"@@#####" finds a purchase order number that has two alphabetic characters followed by 5 digits.

It is recommended to define these strings as precisely as possible to ensure that the correct value is located.

For more information on Simple Expressions see the TransformationDesigner Help.

Ignore Characters

A list of allowed characters that may appear in a purchase order number. For example, a hyphen, forward slash, or a period.

This list does not need comma separation.