Company Code

These settings indicate how the company code is located and validated. Depending on whether or not you validate the country code using SAP or another database, different settings are available.

Validate From SAP

When selected, the company code is validated against SAP.

Validate From DB

When selected, the company code is validated against a database.

SQL Connection Group

The SQL connection group that specifies the company code database connection string. If no connection group is specified, the system uses group 01.

It is configured via the Solution Configuration Manager > Global Settings > Database Settings.

This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.

DB Table Name

The name of the company code database table.

This setting is mandatory for database lookups. This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.

DB Column Name

The name of the column in the company code database table that holds the valid company codes.

This setting is mandatory for database lookups. This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.

DB Country

The name of the column in the company code database table that holds the country where the company is legally based.

This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.

DB Currency

The name of the column in the company code database table that holds the currency for the company code.

This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.

DB VAT Reg Nos

The name of the column in the company code database table that holds the VAT registration numbers for the registered company. If the company is registered for VAT in more than one country, the database field contains a comma-separated list.

This setting is available only when "Validate From DB" is selected above.