Bill-To Formats

Configure possible format strings for recognizing bill-to names on an invoice. It is possible to add multiple entries for this setting. As a result, the settings are displayed in a table.


The index for the bill-to name format. This is unique for each profile ID.


The format string for a bill-to name. Multiple formats can be entered per profile ID, but only one per index.

The format string entered is used to help the system locate the correct bill-to name.

For example, if Random House is specified as a possible bill-to name, the system uses this to help anchor the bill-to name on the invoice. However, the extracted field is actually what appears on the document. Therefore, if the bill-to was actually the Random House UK Office, then this would be the extracted value.

Ignore Characters

These are special characters that may appear in a bill-to name, but can be ignored.