Resolved issues

This topic lists previously reported issues that are resolved when you install Kofax RPA 11.4.0.

This version is cumulative and includes resolved issues that were delivered in previous Kofax RPA releases, including fix packs.

ID Title Description
1847713 Debug variable caused website to break Click did not work on website because an injected script overrode a debug variable.
1844568 Extract Hyperlink failed to retrieve the hyperlink from merged and edited cells

Extract HyperLink in Design Studio and Get HyperLink in integrated Excel could not retrieve the latest hyperlink of a merged cell in Webkit Works in a Desktop Automation robot.

1842307 Function weekday(date()) failed

Function weekday(date()) was not converting to date output.

1840862 Steps and other beans were duplicated in a serialized robot Website seemed to reload continuously when a robot was working in minimal execution mode.
1828306 Field status not refreshed Kapplets "Next run" fields showed "Expired" until the page was reloaded.
1828236 Get Hyperlink action did not retrieve bookmark part of URL

Get Hyperlink action in a headless Excel or an Excel driver truncated the number and data in the URL.

1827220 Security upgrade for Apache Commons Configuration

An upgrade to Apache Commons Configuration 2.8.0 was made to improve security.

1827214 Exported project could not be restored A project exported with Kapplets and user triggers could not be restored.
1827212 Japanese translation issue "Nothing" from under "If execution fails" of a Kapplet schedule was translated incorrectly in Japanese.
1827069 Could not upload icon In Kapplets, you could not upload an icon image to a template.
1825459 Design Studio failure Design Studio failed when decoding an empty base64 favicon.
1824640 Label attribute not working with multiple options Selecting multiple options in a list box did not work with a label attribute.
1824041 Column header displayed incorrectly Kapplets history page showed column header vertically when the complex variable it returned had a Japanese name.
1822995 Python 3.10.x broke compatibility with generated protobuf code Connectors did not run on Python 3.10.5.

Kapplets results missing

Kapplets showed no results for executions with robot errors.
1821314 Select Option was available on Edge but the step caused an error See Internet Explorer discontinued.
1810522 User access not disabled

After an administrator removed access for a Kapplets user, the user could still log in and perform actions.

1809486 Was possible to assign Administrator role Administrator role should not present when editing a project and selecting a role.
1808132 Filters not working with Japanese text Filters on Types, Snippets, Device Mapping, and Database Mapping did not work well with Japanese characters.
1804635 Cannot assign license Could not Assign CRE if at least one of the licenses was missing.
1793162 Security enhancement for Spring MVC or WebFlux application An upgrade to Spring framework version 5.3.18 was made to improve security.
1789002 Robot was not showing loaded Excel document in Recorder View

If a Robot opened an Excel document with an Excel step, the Recorder View did not show the loaded document.

The issue occurred when rows and columns were collapsed to minimum width, which then rendered them as a single pixel in the display.

1787747 Security enhancement for Jackson databind

An upgrade to Jackson was made to improve security.

1785341 Robot kept running after Kapplet was stopped When an infinite cycle Robot was added and the Kapplet was stopped, the Robot kept running.
1784058 Outdated docker-compose examples

In the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide, the procedure in the section "Set up a minimal Docker swarm with Management Console" contained outdated examples.

1782356 Get Last Error did not work with List Directory action

The Get Last Error action in the File System Action step did not work if an error was reported by the List Directory action.

1782231 Call Robot returned an internal error when user opened it by Step Configuration menu The dialog for F2-editing a step was not finding the values within the window, so it was unable to determine how to populate the robot drop-down after the action was selected.
1781480 Email step used ID instead of application name In Robots, instead of using the application name, the Email step used application IDs as finders when creating automatically generated steps, which led to errors when executing Robots.
1781414 Unable to delete database with mappings from cluster

A database could not be deleted from clusters if it had database mappings associated with it.

1780889 Security enhancement to XStream

An upgrade to XStream version 1.4.19 was made to improve security.

1778087 Performance issue observed when working with database tables In Design Studio, a performance issue was observed when working with database tables. Some binary values took too much CPU time to render.
1768567 Tab opened by some actions did not contain URL A tab opened by the Middle Click and Open Link In New Window actions did not contain the referrer URL.
1732847 Attribute storage name ignored when creating database table

If type was uploaded to Management Console and used to create a table in the database, it ignored Storage Name, which must be used to name a table column if Storage Name is specified.

See Configure Types in the Kofax RPA Help.

1638546 Issues with French localization of Management Console Some unlocalized text was encountered by users who were using Management Console in French.