Thin Clients layout customization limitations

Similar to rich clients you can use the ValidationForm_DocumentLoaded and ValidationPanel_FolderLoaded events to customize validation forms for Thin Clients. In addition, you can use the ButtonClicked event to set the properties when a user presses the corresponding button.

To be able to customize the validation form, respectively the pane, for Thin Clients you need to select the Support scripted layout changes option from the Project Settings - General tab. Selecting this option enables the function to fire the DocumentLoaded event when you navigate the documents in Thin Client Validation. This can worsen the performance as the traffic between the server and thin client modules is increased. However, if you do not use the DocumentLoaded event for the form's customization, but events such as ButtonClicked or AfterFieldConfirmed you do not need to select the option.

For Thin Clients the following properties are not supported.

  • for the DocViewer object

    • ActivePageIndex (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

    • XOffSet

    • YOffSet

    Important For Thin Clients you can use only one zoom operation, such as ZoomIn, ZoomOut, ZoomValue, ZoomToRectangle and ZoomMode, per event for the document viewer. If you implement several ones within the same event the last zoom operation is applied to the document all other zoom operations are ignored.
  • for the Field object

    • AutoComplete

    • AutoCompleteIgnoreCase

  • for the Group object

    • Expanded (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

  • for the Tabs object

    • Active (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

  • for the Table object

    • ActiveCell

    • ActiveRowIndex

  • for the ValidationForm object

    • ActiveTab (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

    • ActiveTabIndex (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

    • CurrentPageIndex (when used during the DocumentLoaded event)

As the loading of the documents happens asynchronously in the background for Thin Clients not all status information of the form elements, such as Expanded or ActiveTab, is available when the DocumentLoaded event is fired. The best practice is to set the value for a property rather then toggling the value as a function of the current value. However, when used for other events such as ButtonClicked the correct value is returned.