
The application (CscScriptApplication) object is the object in script to that all application related events and properties are attached. It is placed in the project script sheet and can be addressed by Application.

The events can be divided into events that are available for every module that supports scripting and those that are only related to user interaction in Document Review.

The events that are available for every module are shown the following picture.

An image that shows the Application event sequence

The Application_InitializeScript and the Application_DeinitializeScript event are bracketing the events that are controlling the batch processing. These events are related to the load of a new Project object and the initialization of the script engine. Typically this event is designed for the initialization of variables with a global scope. It can also be used to control the active language of the project, by default this language is following the application UI language that can be retrieved by the property UILanguage of the Application object. But it can be set to a different available language if needed by assigning Project.ActiveLanguage the desired language. All language identifers are in the .NET format like "en-US."

The deinitialization of the script engine gets announced by the Application_DeinitializeScript event.

The event Application_InitializeBatch is announcing the processing of a new batch. In case of the user modules this is a deterministic sequence but for server processing this event always introduces the processing of a new or a different batch. For further details please refer to Batch Processing in Server.