Class: NFCTagData


new NFCTagData(properties)

This method is used to create NFCTagData object
Name Type Description
properties Object NFC Tag Data properties. Which are used to create NFC Tag Data object.
Name Type Description
mrzResult MRZResult This mrz result will have information like document code, issuing code, given name and document number etc.
faceImage String It is a base64 string. Which contains the high quality face image which is available in NFC chip.
documentSecurityObject String This contains document security object string. This will be the documentSecurityObject string from the Passport and will be used to do a certificate validation externally.
var properties = {
     mrzResult: kfxCordova.kfxEngine.createMRZResult(),
     faceImage: "Face Image Base64 string",
     documentSecurityObject: "Document Security Object String"
var nfcTagDataInstance = kfxCordova.kfxEngine.createNFCTagData(properties);