Class: MRZResult


new MRZResult(properties)

This method is used to create MRZResult object
Name Type Description
properties Object MRZ Result properties. Which are used to create the MRZ Result object.
Name Type Description
mrz String This value contains mrz raw data which is available on the document.
documentCode String This value contains document code.
issuingStateCode String This value contains issuing state code of the document.
documentNumber String This value contains document number of the document.
personalNumber String This value contains personal number of the document.
gender String This value contains gender information.
givenNames String This value contains given name.
surname String This value contains sur name.
nationalityCode String This value contains nationality code.
dateOfBirth String This value contains the date of birth which is in "YYMMDD" format.
dateOfExpiry String This value contains the date of expiration of the document which is in "YYMMDD" format.
var properties = {
     mrz:"MRZ Data",
     documentCode:"Document Code",
     issuingStateCode: "Issuing State Code",
     documentNumber: "Document Number",
     personalNumber: "Personal Number",
     gender: "Gender",
     givenNames: "Given Names",
     surname: "Surname",
     nationalityCode: "Nationality Code",
     dateOfBirth: "Date of Birth"
var mrzResultInstance = kfxCordova.kfxEngine.createMRZResult(properties);