Financial year

Use the Financial year option when a component needs to be broken down by years and quarters. Follow one of the following procedures to define a custom financial year that differs from the traditional January to December calendar year. For example, you can define a financial year that starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the next calendar year.

  1. In Admin Console, select Documents Tree > Financial year.
  2. In the Fixed group, click the Click here to add new Financial year start.
  3. Add the name, such as FinancialYearStart.
  4. In the First month list, select the month.
  5. Select the Default check box.

    You can add multiple entries and set one as the default.


Another option to define the financial year start is to run a query:

  1. In the Financial year section, in the Query group, select Source from the list.
  2. Set the Database field to Any.
  3. Set the Authentication field to Any.
  4. In the query area under Authentication field, enter the first month of the fiscal year in the format SELECT 'MM/DD/YYYY' FROM <TableName>, where the date and the year are discarded and the month indicates the beginning of the year, and the table name defines the table from the source database.
  5. Click Save to apply changes.
    When the financial year is set up, all the components show the beginning of the year starting from the specified month. To apply a standard January-December year to a specific component, in the Property Panel, select the Use calendar year property.