Define role mapping with an External database

You need to perform the procedure below to use a custom database query for the role with an Active Directory authentication: Set the authentication type to External database.

  1. In Admin Console, navigate to Documents tree > Application settings.
  2. Select Windows and External database. This property is required to configure user roles from a custom query to an external database.
    Now you can configure user roles from a custom query to determine the role.
  3. In Admin Console, navigate to Documents tree > Roles, right-click and select New user role.
  4. Assign a unique, descriptive name to the role and click OK.
  5. Open the External DB mapping tab and in the Source field, select the database.
    If you do not have an existing database configured, on the Documents tree, navigate to Connections, right-click and select New Connection.
  6. Use the input field below Source to enter the custom SQL query.
    Parameter name must be specified between < > and if it is a string, single quotes around it must be used. For example, '<Identity>' where "Identity" is used in Windows Active Directory, because this parameter will contain user's domain/user name.

    For example, your custom SQL query may look like:

    Select '*' from Roles_Mapping where Staff_ID='<Identity>'