Define role mapping with Fixed Value mapping

Roles define a set of predefined Admin Console settings, such as the theme and date format. Roles also define specific access rights to projects and dashboard views. You must describe mapping rules for each role. Typically, the Active Directory property memberOf is used for this purpose.

Each row in the mapping grid uses the AND operand. If more than one role matches conditions for a user account, the access rights are merged from all matching roles.

To use the OR operator, add all the groups for the memberOf property in the same row and separate them by commas. For example, if you add Group1 and Group2 (separated by commas), the user's group will be matched to Group1 OR Group2 and in case of any match, the user's role is identified.

Other settings, such as theme and date format, are assigned by the top matching role in the list.

  1. In Admin Console, on the Documents Tree, select Roles, and click New user role.

    The New Role window appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter a role name.

    The Role editing window appears.

  3. Define the elements for the role such as Application rights, View rights, Studio rights, Themes, Fixed values mapping, or External DB mapping.
  4. On the Fixed values mapping tab, select Click here to add new data.

    Where "MyDepartment_US" is an Active Directory group that the users are members of.

    Use the operator Include rather than Equal, because the property memberOf is a list of items for which you can specify only one item.