Add multiple AD domains or sub-domains (optional)

To add additional or multiple Active Directory domains/subdomains, use this procedure. If you need to set up Windows authentication only for one domain, skip this procedure.

  1. Open the Web.config file at <Insight installation folder>\WcfDataService\<application>.
    <application> can be View, Admin Console, Studio, Data Loader, or Themes and Formats.
  2. Add the LDAPPath key and value for each subdomain under the <appSetting> tab.
    The key name must start with LDAPPath, such as:
    • LDAPPath

    • LDAPPath-1

    • LDAPPathAnyPath

    String examples:

    <add key="LDAPPath-US1" value="LDAP://,DC=com" />

    <add key="LDAPPath-US2" value="LDAP://,DC=com" />

    The Application Pool that runs the Insight WCF Data Services must run under the identity that has access to all the LDAP paths, because the WCF Data Services must have the ability to query all the LDAP paths.