EDI definitions in Altova MapForce

MapForce stores EDI collection definitions as text files with XML content. The files are located in the MapForceEDI folder of your MapForce installation. Each EDI collection has its own subfolder.

To analyze the problem from the previous section, look up the 837l definition (file 837l.config) from the subfolder HIPAA.X12.5010A2. This file describes the structure of the 837I message, which is rather complicated and consists of several nested loops.

The error message states that the field F1315 in segment CL1 of loop 2300 is missing. When you open 837I.config in an XML editor, you can see that the CL1 segment is defined as follows:

Error in EDI File

The first field (F1315, Admission Type Code) is defined as mandatory.