Profit Margin by Products

This dashboard hosts a single component (trellis chart) that shows four different graphs: profit margin broken down by categories and products. The titles of the charts specify categories (Accessories, Bikes, Clothing, and Components) and each of them is broken down by products (against the X-axis).

Charts / Filters

Description and possible actions


In ascending order, lists the periods by which you can filter the View. Select each year (period) to apply to the View or use "No filter" to show all data available. Also,"Custom interval" is available that gives you an option to adjust the required time interval.


In alphabetical order, lists the countries by which you can filter the View. Select each country to include in the View, or click "All" to include all countries. Click "Clear" to remove all country selections. Click "OK" to confirm your choice.

Reset filters

Resets all the filters to default values.

Profit Margin by Categories and Products

Displays the profit margin by categories and products in the form of four charts. Depending on the individual configuration, each chart supports either an automatic or manual drill down to the next level.