ShareScan settings

The Settings area specifies properties that apply to all devices connected to the current ShareScan Manager. Clicking the Settings button brings up the UI in the viewing panel as a property grid with various categories.

Configure Settings

The control used to display the data is a property grid, which is typically displayed with categories and properties. The categories are in bold with no controls on the right hand side of the grid. Each category can have one or more properties and can contain multiple sub-categories. Clicking each property enables its control for typing (if it is an editable field) or for selection.

Configure Settings properties




ShareScan Manager

Port number

ShareScan Manager's listening port number. The default value is 9600.

Scanning mode (embedded, non-web devices only)

Enable Start button

Enables the Start button to be used to initiate scanning on a device with ShareScan embedded (non-web client) software.


Password Minimum Length

The minimum number of characters that make up the password. When you specify the minimum password length, remember that the longer the password, the more difficult it is to break. Minimum password size must be in the range 1 to 45. The default value is 1.

Password must be alphanumeric

Requires that passwords include a combination of characters and numbers. Select Yes to ensure that passwords are not dictionary words and are not easily guessed. The password must contain at least one character and number. It can only be enabled if the Password minimum length is set to at least 2.

Searchable text

OCR Languages

The language(s) you want the searchable text engine (OCR engine) to use. At least one language must be selected that will be used for scanning documents. Default is the language specified under Language in the Soft keyboards field.

Selecting Arabic and English OCR languages simultaneously is not recommended, otherwise the OCR result will not be accurate in the Searchable Text output documents.

OCR Mode

Select Faster or Most accurate search. The default value is Faster.

Secure delete

Enable Secure delete of temporary files

Enables complete deletion of temporary image files from the computer running the Services Manager. When this check box is selected (Yes), ShareScan writes over the files in the ShareScanTemp folder multiple times with random characters.

Regional & Language Settings

Client Display Language

Select a language from the list to be displayed at the Client. Default language is English (United States).

All the Clients connected to the Manager displays the same language. Selecting a language per device or client is not supported.

Add Language

Adds a new language to the System glossary. The Administration Console and the Clients can run in different languages. Selecting a Client Display language does not affect the Administration Console’s language. Refer to the Glossary Tool for additional languages.

Remove Language

Removes a language from the System glossary. Removing language does not affect the Administration Console’s language as the given languages cannot be removed.

BEFIGS, Dutch, Chinese Simplified and Japanese languages cannot be removed.


To change the way the client displays numbers, currencies, dates, and time, select an entry from the format list. The default format is English (United States).

Soft Keyboards

Select a keyboard from the list to change the input language at the Client.


Allows you to select a keyboard language to be used at the Client. Default language is English (United States).

Default .com entry

The default extension for the .com key on the soft keyboard, such as .com (maximum four characters).

Add more entries

Used to specify additional extensions presented to include in the list that appears when you press the arrow next to the .com key. Additional entries can contain more than eight characters.

To add or remove extensions for the .com key:

  1. Enter data directly into the list and press the Enter key to add more entries.
  2. Select an entry and press the Delete key to remove an entry.
  3. Choose between the following keys in a drop-down list: .com, .edu, or .org.

Customer Information settings



Customer information

Browse and add a custom image to display at the client (MFP). The PNG and GIF file formats are supported. To delete the image, click the left side of the column and press the Delete key.

Image must not exceed 140x50 pixels.


Include the following contact information:

  • Phone: The phone number.
  • Fax: The fax number.
  • E-mail: The email address.
  • Support E-mail: The support email address.
  • Web: The Web site URL.

The Save button is not enabled until a change is made in the property grid. Once the Save button is clicked, you are prompted to restart the Manager for the changes to take effect.

Job Monitor Settings




Select the Yes check box to enable configuration of job monitor settings.

Administrator/security group name

Click the '...' button to launch the Select User or Group dialog.

  • Select this object type: The objects you select in the Object Types dialog appear here.
  • From this location: The locations you select in the Locations dialog appear here.
  • Enter the object name to select (examples): type the name of the object you want to select. Click examples to navigate to for examples.
  • Object Types...: Launches the Object Types dialog. Select the types of objects you want to find. The objects you select appear in the Select this object type field.
  • Locations...: Launches the Locations dialog. Select the location you want to search. The locations you select appear in the From this location field.
  • Check Names: checks whether the selected object name is valid. Returns an error message if the specified object name cannot be found.
  • Advanced...: launches an advanced version of the Select User or Group dialog.
  • Common Queries:
  • Name:
  • Description:
  • Disabled accounts:
  • Non expiring passwords:
  • Days since last logon:
  • Columns...:
  • Find now
  • Stop:
  • Search results:
  • Name:
  • In Folder:

Client credential type

  • Windows (Kerberos)
  • NTLM

Page expiration time

Time interval in seconds, after which the data loaded to Job Monitor web UI is considered outdated.


Select the Yes check box to use secure HTTP connection.

Certification thumbprint

Provide certification thumbprint if secure HTTP connection is enabled.

Webserver Port

Specify webserver port.

The Save button is not enabled until a change is made in the property grid. Once the Save button is clicked, you are prompted to restart the Manager for the changes to take effect.




... (Browse)

Click this button to access the Advanced ShareScan settings dialog.

Click OK on the warning message after carefully reading it to enter the Advanced ShareScan settings section.

Shared manager settings

Using these settings, you can micromanage numerous ShareScan-specific settings, which were previously controlled via editing the registry, including (but not limited to) automatically confirming devices, regulating client and device (re)connection timeouts, output creator behavior, and OCR behavior. As these settings are shared across all Managers connected to the specific Administration Console, only change them when you have created a backup of the existing settings.

When you select a setting, the description text at the bottom of the dialog panel details the behavior of the setting.

<computer name> - <IP address>

Allows you to control the computer-specific ShareScan-related settings, which were previously controlled via editing the registry.


Click this button to refresh the values of the settings.

Reset settings

Click this button to reset the ShareScan default settings.

Save and close

Saves your changes and closes the Advanced ShareScan settings dialog.


Discards your unsaved changes and exits the dialog.