Appendix: Additional AutoStore Instructions Configuring authentication LDAP Lookup Settings dialog box Use this dialog to configure LDAP search settings. Integration with MFP authentication Adding and editing groups Basic form A basic form provides basic settings to capture files from a Unified Client MFP. Scanning Settings This topic describes scanning settings that are available for the Canon component. These settings are configured on the General tab in the form settings. Select the Allow Changes check box next to any option to allow users to change the setting on the device console. Email form Use an Email form when you need to send the document to an email destination. An Email form is used in conjunction with the Send to SMTP and Send to Exchange Route components. Folder form Use a Send to Folder form when you need to send the document to a folder destination. A Send to Folder form is used in conjunction with the Send to Folder and Send to Folder eConnector components. SharePoint form Use a Send to SharePoint form when you need to send the document to a SharePoint Office 365 or SharePoint 2010/2013 server. Authentication tab Use settings on this tab to globally enable authentication for the Unified Client component at the domain level. Authentication Prompts dialog box Use this dialog box to configure prompts that will be used to collect user information. These prompts will be displayed for user entry in the MFP control panel. Custom Scripting authentication Custom Script is a way to create your own way to authenticate. The administrator has full control on what prompts are displayed and how the authentication happens. Configuring the Scanning Settings Scripting Overview The scripting capabilities of the component allows you to provide your own authentication method or to modify the standard behavior of a form. Unified Client component RRTs Unified Client communication ports