ID type: residence permit

Fields returned for the France residence permit are displayed above the blank line in the following table. Fields that will return no information are displayed below the blank line. An "F" denotes that the field will be returned if the front of the card is sent, a "B" denotes that the field will be returned if the back of the card is sent, and "F/B" denotes that the field will be returned if the front and back of the card are sent.

The "Returned as" column shows the normalized format the data will be returned as. A "DateOfBirth" that is formatted as dd-mm-yy on the card will return the data in the YYYY-MM-DD for the "DateOfBirth" field according to the rules in the following table, for example.

Some fields are validated against certain rules. Not all fields have validation rules. For fields that have a validation rule, a description of the rule will be included in the "Validation Rules" column. In the "Returned as" and "Validation Rules" columns, a capital "A" denotes any letter, a "1" denotes any number, a "?" can either be a letter or a number, and any other symbol, such as a hyphen, used is literal.

Field Side Returned as Validation Rule
Address* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules
Address2* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules. Where applicable, each line of the Address field is also parsed into a separate field. This field will contain the first line from the Address field.
Address3* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules. Where applicable, each line of the Address field is also parsed into a separate field. This field will contain the second line from the Address field.
Address4* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules. Where applicable, each line of the Address field is also parsed into a separate field. This field will contain the third line from the Address field.
Address5* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules. Where applicable, each line of the Address field is also parsed into a separate field. This field will contain the fourth line from the Address field.
Address6* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules. Where applicable, each line of the Address field is also parsed into a separate field. This field will contain the fifth line from the Address field.
City* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules
CivilStatus N/A No validation rule
Class N/A No validation rule
Country F, B* Validates the string against the constant value "France"
CountryShort F, B* Validates the string against the constant value "FRA"
DDRef N/A No validation rule
DateOfBirth F, B* YYYY-MM-DD Validates the string against the format [dd-mm-yy]; No validation rule
DocumentState F, B* Validates the string against the constant value "France"
DocumentType F, B* Validates the string against the constant value "Residence Permit"
ExpirationDate F, B** YYYY-MM-DD Validates the string against the format [dd-mm-yy]; No validation rule
Eyes N/A No validation rule
FamilyName N/A No validation rule
FirstName F, B* Parses the name into the fields: FirstName, MiddleName, and LastName
FirstName N/A No validation rule
FullName N/A No validation rule
Gender F**, B* M, F Validates the string against the values [M,F].
Hair N/A No validation rule
HealthSystemNum N/A No validation rule
Height N/A No validation rule
IDNumber F, F/B**** Delimiters removed No validation rule
IssueDate*** F, F/B**** YYYY-MM-DD Validates the string against the format [dd-mm-yy]; No validation rule
IssuingAuthority*** F, F/B**** No validation rule
LastName F, B* Parses the name into the fields: FirstName, MiddleName, and LastName
LastName1 N/A No validation rule
LastName2 N/A No validation rule
License F, B* Copies the value of IDNumber
MiddleName F, B* Parses the name into the fields: FirstName, MiddleName, and LastName
NamePrefix N/A No validation rule
NameSuffix N/A No validation rule
Nationality F**, B* No validation rule
ParentsGivenNames N/A No validation rule
PersonalNumber* B No validation rule
PlaceOfBirth**** F**, B* No validation rule
PlaceOfIssue N/A No validation rule
SocialSecurityNum N/A No validation rule
State* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules
TaxID N/A No validation rule
Weight N/A No validation rule
ZIP* B Parses the address into Address, City, State, and Zip, according to regional rules
Note *2011 residence permit only

**Not on 2011 residence permit

***Not on 2000 resident identification card

****Not on 2002 residence permit