SignDoc SDK (.NET without exceptions)  5.0.0
SignDocDotNet.cs File Reference

.NET wrapper More...


class  Blobs
 An array of blobs. More...
class  Point
 A point (document coordinates or canvas coordinates depending on context). More...
class  Rect
 A rectangle (document coordinates). More...
class  SignDocImageRect
 A rectangle for use with SignDocImage. More...
class  SignDocColor
 A color. More...
class  SignDocAnnotation
 An annotation. More...
class  SignDocAttachment
 Output of SignDocDocument.getAttachment(). More...
class  SignDocTextCluster
 A cluster of Unicode code points and glyphs. More...
class  SignDocFindTextOccurrence
 Position of a hit returned by SignDocDocument.findText(). More...
class  SignDocTextIterator
 An iterator for the text of a document. More...
class  SignDocTextFieldAttributes
 Attributes of a text field, list box field or combo box field used for the construction of the appearance (PDF documents only). More...
class  SignDocField
 One field of a document. More...
class  SignDocOutputStream
 SignDoc Output Stream. More...
interface  Source
 Data source. More...
class  SignDocWatermark
 Parameters for a watermark. More...
class  SignDocProperty
 One property, without value. More...
class  SignDocRenderOutput
 Output of SignDocDocument.renderPageAsImage(), SignDocDocument.renderPageAsSignDocImage(), and SignDocSignatureData.renderAsImage(). More...
class  TimeStamper
 Interface for creating an RFC 3161 timestamp. More...
interface  SignECDSA
 Interface for creating an ECDSA signature. More...
interface  SignRSA
 Interface for creating an RSA signature. More...
interface  SignPKCS7
 Interface for creating a PKCS #7 or CAdES signature. More...
class  SignDocRenderParameters
 Parameters for SignDocDocument.renderPageAsImage() and SignDocDocument.renderPageAsSignDocImage(). More...
class  SignDocSignatureParameters
 Parameters for signing a document. More...
class  SignDocVerificationParameters
 Parameters for verifying a certificate chain. More...
class  SignDocChange
 A single change made to a PDF document after a signature. More...
class  SignDocVerificationResult
 Information about a signature field returned by SignDocDocument.verifySignature() or SignDocDocument.verifySignature2(). More...
class  SignDocSignature
 Information about a signature field returned by SignDocDocument.getSignature(). More...
class  SignDocDocument
 An interface for SignDoc documents. More...
class  SignDocDocumentLoader
 Create SignDocDocument objects. More...
class  SignDocWeightedFrame
 A frame and its weight. More...
class  SignDocCheckSignatureParameters
 Parameters for SignDocSignatureData.checkReference() and SignDocSignatureData.checkSignature(). More...
class  SignDocCleanParameters
 Actions and parameters for SignDocImage.clean(). More...
class  SignDocImageParameters
 Parameters for saving images, converting images to bi-level images, and rendering biometric signatures as images. More...
class  SignDocMatchParameters
 Parameters for SignDocSignatureData.matchSignature(), SignDocSignatureData.matchReference(), SignDocImage.matchSignature(), and SignDocImage.matchReference(). More...
class  SignDocImage
 A bitmap image. More...
class  SignDocMatchResult
 Result of SignDocSignatureData.matchSignature(), SignDocSignatureData.matchReference(), SignDocImage.matchSignature(), and SignDocImage.matchReference(). More...
class  SignDocSignatureData
 Biometric data of handwritten signatures. More...
class  SignDocSignatureSample
 A single sample of the biometric data of a handwritten signature. More...


package  de
package  de.softpro
package  de.softpro.doc


enum  ReturnCode {
  OK, InvalidArgument, FieldNotFound, InvalidProfile,
  InvalidImage, TypeMismatch, FontNotFound, NotSupported,
  IoError, NotVerified, PropertyNotFound, PageNotFound,
  WrongCollection, FieldExists, LicenseError, UnexpectedError,
  Cancelled, NoBiometricData, FieldNotSigned, InvalidSignature,
  AnnotationNotFound, AttachmentNotFound, AttachmentExists, NoCertificate,
  AmbiguousCertificate, NotAllowed, InvalidStructure, UnknownParameter,
  InvalidValue, NotAvailable
 Return code. More...
enum  ColorType { Gray, RGB }
 Type of color. More...
enum  AnnotationType { Unknown, Line, Scribble, FreeText }
 Annotation types. More...
enum  LineEnding { Unknown, None, Arrow }
 Line ending styles. More...
enum  AnnotationHAlignment { Left, Center, Right }
 Horizontal alignment of text in an annotation. More...
enum  AnnotationFlags {
  Zero = 0, AutoAlignment, LTR, RTL,
  DefaultLTR, DefaultRTL
 Flags for SignDocAnnotation.setFlags(). More...
enum  FieldType {
  Unknown, Pushbutton, CheckBox, RadioButton,
  Text, ListBox, SignatureDigSig, SignatureSignDoc,
 Field types. More...
enum  FieldFlags {
  Zero = 0, ReadOnly, Required, NoExport,
  NoToggleToOff, Radio, Pushbutton, RadiosInUnison,
  MultiLine, Password, FileSelect, DoNotSpellCheck,
  DoNotScroll, Comb, RichText, Combo,
  Edit, Sort, MultiSelect, CommitOnSelChange,
  SinglePage, EnableAddAfterSigning, Invisible
 Field flags. More...
enum  WidgetFlags {
  Zero = 0, Invisible, Hidden, Print,
  NoZoom, NoRotate, NoView, ReadOnly,
  Locked, ToggleNoView, LockedContents
 Annotation flags of a widget. More...
enum  FieldJustification { None, Left, Center, Right }
 Justification of text fields and list boxes. More...
enum  FieldBorderStyle {
  Other, Solid, Dashed, Beveled,
  Inset, Underline
 Border style. More...
enum  FieldButtonStyle {
  Default, Other, CheckMark, Cross,
  Star, Circle, Square, Diamond
 Style used for check boxes and radio buttons. More...
enum  LockType {
  NA, None, All, Include,
 Fields to be locked when signing this signature field. More...
enum  SignatureType {
  NotASignatureField, NotSigned, Approval, Certification,
 Signature type. More...
enum  CertSeedValueFlags {
  Zero = 0, SubjectCert, IssuerCert, Policy,
  SubjectIDN, KeyUsage, URL
 Bit masks for SignDocField.getCertSeedValueFlags() and SignDocField.setCertSeedValueFlags(). More...
enum  WatermarkJustification { Left, Center, Right }
 Justification of multi-line text of a watermark. More...
enum  WatermarkLocation { Overlay, Underlay }
 Location of watermark. More...
enum  WatermarkHAlignment { Left, Center, Right }
 Horizontal alignment of a watermark. More...
enum  WatermarkVAlignment { Top, Center, Bottom }
 Vertical alignment of a watermark. More...
enum  WatermarkFlags {
  Zero = 0, LTR, RTL, DefaultLTR,
 Flags for SignDocWatermark.setFlags(). More...
enum  PropertyType { String, Integer, Boolean }
 Property types. More...
enum  RenderParameterType {
  Undefined, Boolean, Integer, Number,
  String, String2
 Return values of SignDocRenderParameters.getType(). More...
enum  ChangeType {
  Other, FieldAdded, FieldRemoved, FieldModified,
  FieldFilledIn, AnnotationAdded, AnnotationRemoved, AnnotationModified,
  AttachmentAdded, AttachmentRemoved, AttachmentModified, PageAdded,
  PageRemoved, PageModified
 Type of change. More...
enum  CheckSignatureParameterType { Undefined, Boolean, Integer }
 Return values of SignDocCheckSignatureParameters.getType(). More...
enum  CleanParameterType {
  Undefined, Boolean, Integer, Number,
 Return values of SignDocCleanParameters.getType() and SignDocCleanParameters.getTypeAt(). More...
enum  ImageParameterType {
  Undefined, Boolean, Integer, Number,
  String, Color
 Return values of SignDocImageParameters.getType(). More...
enum  MatchParameterType { Undefined, Boolean, Integer }
 Return values of SignDocMatchParameters.getType(). More...
enum  SignatureParameterType {
  Undefined, Integer, String, Color,
  Blob, Length
 Return values of SignDocSignatureParameters.getType(). More...
enum  SigningMethod {
  Default, DigSigPKCS1, DigSigPKCS7Detached, DigSigPKCS7SHA1,
  Hash, DigSigCadesDetached, DigSigCadesRFC3161
 Signing methods. More...
enum  SigningMethodFlags {
  Zero = 0, DigSigPKCS1 = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.DigSigPKCS1)), DigSigPKCS7Detached = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.DigSigPKCS7Detached)), DigSigPKCS7SHA1 = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.DigSigPKCS7SHA1)),
  Hash = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.Hash)), DigSigCadesDetached = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.DigSigCadesDetached)), DigSigCadesRFC3161 = (1 << static_cast<int>(SigningMethod.DigSigCadesRFC3161))
 Bit masks for SignDocSignatureParameters.getAvailableMethods(). More...
enum  AddCertificates { All, None, Trusted }
 Values for integer parameter "AddCertificates" of SignDocSignatureParameters. More...
enum  AddRevocationInfo { Add }
 Flags for integer parameter "AddRevocationInfo" of SignDocSignatureParameters. More...
enum  RemoveXFA { Always, IfAllowed, Never }
 Values for integer parameter "RemoveXFA" of SignDocSignatureParameters. More...
enum  Optimize { Yes, No, IfPossible }
 Optimization of document before signing. More...
enum  PDFAButtons { Freeze, DontFreeze, Auto }
 Fix appearance streams of check boxes and radio buttons for PDF/A-1 without Technical Corrigendum 2. More...
enum  BiometricEncryption {
  RSA, Fixed, Binary, Passphrase,
 Select how to encrypt the biometric data. More...
enum  BiometricHashLocation { Attr, Contents }
 Select where to store the message digest computed over the document hash and the unencrypted biometric data. More...
enum  SignatureParametersHAlignment {
  Left, Center, Right, Justify,
  Auto, Default
 Horizontal alignment. More...
enum  SignatureParametersVAlignment { Top, Center, Bottom }
 Vertical alignment. More...
enum  TextPosition {
  Overlay, Below, Underlay, RightOf,
  Above, LeftOf
enum  LengthType { Abs, FieldHeight, FieldWidth }
 Indicate how measurements are specified. More...
enum  TextGroup { Master, Slave }
 Text groups. More...
enum  TextItemDirection { LTR, RTL, DefaultLTR, DefaultRTL }
 Paragraph direction of a text item. More...
enum  IgnoreSeedValues { Zero = 0, SubFilter, DigestMethod }
 Flags for ignoring mandatory requirements specified by the signature seed value dictionary. More...
enum  CertificateSelectionFlags {
  Zero = 0, Software, Hardware, UseCertificateSeedValues,
  AskIfAmbiguous, NeverAsk, CreateSelfSigned
 Flags for selecting certificates. More...
enum  RenderSignatureFlags {
  Zero = 0, BW, Gray, Antialias,
 Flags for rendering the signature. More...
enum  ImageTransparency { Opaque, Brightest }
 Transparency of signature image. More...
enum  CertificateChainVerificationPolicy {
  DontVerify, AcceptSelfSigned, AcceptSelfSignedWithBio, AcceptSelfSignedWithRSABio,
 Values for integer parameter "CertificateChainVerificationPolicy" of SignDocVerificationParameters. More...
enum  CertificateRevocationVerificationPolicy { DontCheck, Offline, Online }
 Values for integer parameter "CertificateRevocationVerificationPolicy" of SignDocVerificationParameters. More...
enum  VerificationFlags {
  Zero = 0, CheckRevocation, UseCRLOnly, UseOCSPOnly,
  Offline, EnforceNextUpdate, EnforceOCSPSigner, Online,
  NoOCSPNonce, CRLFirst, IgnoreNoRevocation
 Flags for certificate verification. More...
enum  VerificationModel { Minimal, Chain, ModifiedShell, Shell }
 Values for integer parameter "VerificationModel" of SignDocVerificationParameters. More...
enum  SignatureState {
  Unmodified, DocumentExtended, DocumentModified, UnsupportedSignature,
  InvalidCertificate, Empty
 State of a signature. More...
enum  ModificationState { Unmodified, Allowed, Prohibited }
 Modification state of the document for a certain signature. More...
enum  TimeStampState { Valid, Missing, Invalid }
 State of the RFC 3161 time stamp. More...
enum  CertificateChainState {
  OK, BrokenChain, UntrustedRoot, CriticalExtension,
  NotTimeValid, PathLength, Invalid, Error
 Certificate chain state for SignDocVerificationResult.verifyCertificateChain() and SignDocVerificationResult.verifyTimeStampCertificateChain(). More...
enum  CertificateRevocationState {
  OK, NotChecked, Offline, Revoked,
 Certificate revocation state for SignDocVerificationResult.getCertificateRevocationState() and SignDocVerificationResult.getTimeStampCertificateRevocationState(). More...
enum  GetBoundingBoxesFlags { Zero = 0, Single, Individual, Logical }
 Flag for FindTextOccurrence.getBoundingBoxes(). More...
enum  DocumentType {
  Unknown, PDF, TIFF, Other,
 Supported document types. More...
enum  SaveFlags {
  Zero = 0, Incremental, RemoveUnused, Linearized,
  PDF_1_4, PDFAButtons, AutoIncremental
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.saveToFile(), SignDocDocument.saveToMemory(), and SignDocDocument.saveToStream(). More...
enum  CopyToStreamFlags { Zero = 0, Unsaved }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.copyToStream() and SignDocDocument.copyToMemory(). More...
enum  SetFieldFlags {
  Zero = 0, FontFail, Move, KeepAP,
  UpdateAP, FitHeightOnly, ForceBorderWidth, DontBreakLines,
  AutoAlignment, LTR, RTL, DefaultLTR,
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.setField(), SignDocDocument.addField(), and SignDocDocument.applyFdf(). More...
enum  FlattenFieldsFlags {
  Zero = 0, IncludeSignatureUnsigned, IncludeSignatureSigned, IncludeHidden,
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.flattenFields(). More...
enum  FlattenAnnotationsFlags { Zero = 0, IncludeHidden, KeepStructure }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.flattenAnnotations(). More...
enum  FindTextFlags { Zero = 0, IgnoreHSpace, IgnoreHyphenation, IgnoreSequence }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.findText(). More...
enum  CreateTextIteratorFlags { Zero = 0 }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.createTextIterator(). More...
enum  ExportFlags { Zero = 0, Top }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.exportFields(), SignDocDocument.exportFieldsToMemory(), SignDocDocument.exportProperties(), and SignDocDocument.exportPropertiesToMemory(). More...
enum  ImportFlags { Zero = 0, Atomic }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.importProperties() and SignDocDocument.importPropertiesFromMemory(). More...
enum  ImportPagesFlags { Zero = 0 }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.importPages(). More...
enum  AddAttachmentFlags { Zero = 0 }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.addAttachmentBlob() and SignDocDocument.addAttachmentFile(). More...
enum  ImportImageFlags { Zero = 0, KeepAspectRatio, BrightestTransparent }
 Flags modifying the behavior of SignDocDocument.addImageFromFile(), SignDocDocument.addImageFromFile2(), SignDocDocument.addImageFromMemory(), SignDocDocument.addImageFromMemory2(), SignDocDocument.importPageFromImageBlob(), SignDocDocument.importPageFromImageBlob2(), SignDocDocument.importPageFromImageFile(), and SignDocDocument.importPageFromImageFile2(). More...
enum  KeepOrRemove { Keep, Remove }
 Tell SignDocDocument.removePages() to keep or to remove the specified pages. More...
enum  CheckAttachmentResult { Match, NoChecksum, Mismatch }
 Result of SignDocDocument.checkAttachment(). More...
enum  DocumentHAlignment { Left, Center, Right, Auto }
 Horizontal alignment for SignDocDocument.addTextRect() and SignDocDocument.addTextRect2(). More...
enum  DocumentVAlignment { Top, Center, Bottom }
 Vertical alignment for SignDocDocument.addTextRect() and SignDocDocument.addTextRect2(). More...
enum  AddTextFlags { Zero = 0 }
 Flags for SignDocDocument.addText() and SignDocDocument.addText2(). More...
enum  AddTextRectFlags {
  Zero = 0, Compat, LTR, RTL,
  DefaultLTR, DefaultRTL
 Flags for SignDocDocument.addTextRect() and SignDocDocument.addTextRect2(). More...
enum  RemoveFlags { Zero = 0 }
 Flags for SignDocDocument.removeLogicalStructure(), SignDocDocument.removePDFA(), SignDocDocument.removePDFUA(), SignDocDocument.removePermissions(), and SignDocDocument.removeXFA(). More...
enum  DocumentFlags {
  Zero = 0, RelaxByteRange, AmbiguousButtonValueEmpty, UseDSSOnly,
  NoKerningForStandardFonts, KeepEscapeSequences, RequireAlternateFieldName, RequireLang,
  InsertAtEnd, UseEscapeSequences, FailForBrokenTargetStructure
 Flags for SignDocDocument.setFlags(). More...
enum  ShootInFootFlags {
  Zero = 0, AllowBreakingSignatures, AllowBreakingPermissions, AllowInvalidCertificate,
  AllowNonStandardExternalFonts, AssumeAPNotShared, AssumeAPShared, DontVerifyAfterSigning,
  AllowAllCurves, AllowBreakingTaggedPDF
 Flags for SignDocDocument.setShootInFoot(). More...
enum  UpdateDSSFlags { Zero = 0, Simulate, VRI }
 Flags for SignDocDocument.updateDSS() and SignDocDocument.updateDSS2(). More...
enum  FieldTypeFlags {
  Zero = 0, Pushbutton = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.Pushbutton)), CheckBox = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.CheckBox)), RadioButton = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.RadioButton)),
  Text = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.Text)), ListBox = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.ListBox)), SignatureDigSig = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.SignatureDigSig)), SignatureSignDoc = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.SignatureSignDoc)),
  ComboBox = (1 << static_cast<int>(FieldType.ComboBox))
 Bitmasks for SignDocDocument.getFields() and SignDocDocument.getFieldsOfPage(). More...
enum  DocumentLoaderFlags { Zero = 0, MapIntoMemory }
 Flags for SignDocDocumentLoader.setFlags(). More...
enum  RemainingDays { Product, Signing }
 Specify which expiry date shall be used by SignDocDocumentLoader.getRemainingDays(). More...
enum  MatchParametersFlags {
  Zero = 0, EngineAuto, EngineStatic, EngineDynamic,
  EngineDStat, NormalizeSampleRates, Mirror, KeepResolution
 Flags for integer parameter "%Flags" of SignDocMatchParameters. More...
enum  SignatureDataType { Empty, Signature, Reference }
 Type of handwritten signatures stored in a SignDocSignatureData object. More...
enum  SignatureDataFormat {
  Zero = 0, iso_mask_single, iso_mask_wrapper, iso_mask_bdb,
  iso_mask_data, iso_mask_flags, softpro, iso_19785_3_none,
  iso_19785_3_format2, iso_19785_3_format3, iso_19785_3_format6, iso_19794_7_2007tc1,
  iso_19794_7_2014, iso_19794_7_full, iso_flag_meters, iso_flag_no_fix,
  iso_flag_compat1, iso_flag_no_ext_data
 Blob format flags for SignDocSignatureData. More...
enum  CaptureDevice {
  Unknown = 0, Intuos = 1, MobiNetix = 2, Graphire = 3,
  BSHesy = 4, PL400 = 5, EPOS = 6, ESig = 7,
  EInk = 8, PenPartner = 9, TabletPC = 10, StepOver = 11,
  EID = 12, MTLCD = 13, MTLPD = 14, EPAD2 = 15,
  BlueM = 16, BlueMLCD = 17, TzSE = 18, EPadLS = 19,
  EInk2 = 20, EID2 = 21, SignPad = 22, Bamboo = 23,
  VerifoneMX = 24, IngenicoSC350 = 25, IPad = 501, IPhone = 502,
  IPod = 503, OlivettiZPadB8001 = 510, SamsungGTN7000 = 511, HTCP510e = 512,
  AndroidTouch = 513, HTML5Capture = 514, OlivettiGraphosA10 = 515, ENSign10 = 1000,
  VPSign = 1001, UserFirst = 10000, UserLast = 10999
 Capture device identifiers. More...
enum  TimeStamperStampResult {
  OK, InvalidInput, Timeout, Stopped,
  TCPError, SSLError, HTTPError, ServerError,
 Return value of TimeStamper.stamp(). More...
enum  TimeStamperStampFlags { Zero = 0, DontCheckRevocation, DontHash }
 Flags for TimeStamper.stamp(). More...

Detailed Description

.NET wrapper