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Kofax SignDoc Standard 2.1.0 - Online Help


The Templates page offers a similar user interface as described earlier for the Signing packages page. Please refer to the earlier section to get more info about the filter and search functionality, the list display and the template/package details view.

The major differences between a template and a signing package are

it’s not possible to start a signing session from a template

the state of a template is always Ready to use (Prepared)


Click to change size


Possible actions in this view

To create a new template and open it in the package wizard click the Create template button on top of the view.

Template specific dropdown actions

Creates a new signing package based on a template and opens it in the package wizard.

Opens the template details view (see package details view for more info).
Note that this view provides a reduced set of further actions compared to a signing package.

Opens the template in the package wizard for editing.

Make a copy
Creates a new copy of the template

Deletes the template