Click or drag to resize

DetailView Properties

The DetailView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackColor
This property controls which color is used to fill the control background.
Public propertyBorderVisible
This property controls whether a thin 3D border will be displayed around the control or not.
Public propertyColumns
The control's behavior can be changed programmatically using the control properties, or using the supported property page(s).
Public propertyEnablePageDrag
This property specifies whether page dragging is enabled.
Public propertyEnablePageDropOtherDoc
This property specifies whether in a drag-and-drop operation this DetailView is a possible drop target for pages dragged from another DetailView (or ThumbnailView) which is attached to a different document than the control itself.
Public propertyEnablePageDropSameDoc
This property specifies whether in a drag-and-drop operation this DetailView is a possible drop target for pages dragged from any other DetailView or ThumbnailView (including itself) attached to the current document.
Public propertyEnableTooltips
This property controls whether tooltips are displayed or not when the mouse pointer is hovered over a particular row's status icon.
Public propertyTextColor
This property controls which color is used to draw the text in the control.
See Also