Activate license in OPLA, using the command line interface, offline mode

  1. Open a Command Prompt, and go to the location where the OPLA binaries are.

    The help of the OPLA is available by typing opla in the command prompt.

  2. Create the ActivationPackage.lcxp file with the following command:

    opla activate -licenseKeys=<license key> -output=ActivationPackage.lcxp

    The email received after purchase contains the License key.

  3. Move the created file to a computer with access to the Activation Server.
  4. Bring the ActivationPackage.lcxp file to a computer with access to the Activation Server.
  5. Enter the address of the Activation Server ( in a browser, and select Process license package.
  6. Upload the ActivationPackage.lcxp file, and click Process License Package.

    You can browse to the proper file, or drag and drop it.

  7. Save the received file, and bring it to the computer where OPLA is hosted.
  8. Load the package with the following command:

    opla load -input=LoadPackage.lcxp

The license is activated.